
MMU Multimedia University Courses and Application Forms

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MMU-Multimedia University invites applications from qualified candidates for the following Postgraduate and Undergraduate programmes/courses. Find here the courses and fee structure


TUM Technical University of Mombasa courses 2019

The University, which is situated in Mbagathi along Nairobi-Magadi Road seeks to admit students to its various academic programmes at Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors and Masters level in the Faculties at the Main Campus in Mbagathi and the CBD Campus on UNIAFRIC Houses, Loita Street, NAIROBI.

University of Nairobi UON School of Law Fee Structure

Applications are therefore invited from qualified candidates for the following Postgraduate and Undergraduate programmes



Course Duration Minimum entry Requirement Fee Campus/mode
Kshs. of study
Master of Science in 2 Years a) Bachelor  of  Science  degree  in  Electrical  and  Telecommunication 75,000 Per Main Campus
Communication & Engineering with Second Class Honours Upper Division from MMU or a semester Mbagathi/Full
Multimedia Engineering cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00, or any Time
institution recognized by the University Senate;
b) Bachelor  of  Science  degree  in  Electrical  and  Telecommunication
Engineering with Second Class Honours, Lower Division or a cumulative
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any
institution recognized by the  University,  with three  (3)  years  working
experience  in  relevant  field,  or  evidence  of  research  capability  either
through research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications.
c) Relevant  postgraduate  diploma  from  MMU  or  any  other  institution
recognized by the University Senate.


Master of Science in Mechanical 2 Years a) Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with Second Class 75,000 Per Main Campus
Engineering Honours Upper Division or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of semester Mbagathi /Full
3.00 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any institution recognized by the Time
University Senate;
b) Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with Second Class
Honours Lower Division or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of
2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any institution recognized by the
University, with three (3) years working experience in relevant field, or
evidence of research capability either through research, paper presentations
or peer reviewed publications.
c) Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical 5 Years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 90,000.00 Main Campus
and Telecommunication KNEC  with  a  minimum  of  C+  (plus)  in  the  following  subjects: Per semester Mbagathi/Full
Engineering Mathematics, Physics/Physical Sciences, Chemistry/Biological Sciences Time
and English or Kiswahili;
b) Higher  National  Diploma/Diploma  (from  KNEC  or  any  Institution
recognized  by University  Senate)  with  C+  (plus)  in  Mathematics  and
Physics in KCSE;
c) Any  other  qualification(s)  recognized  by  the  University  Senate  as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in 5years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 90,000.00 Main Campus
Mechanical and Manufacturing KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in the following subjects: Per semester Mbagathi/Full
Engineering Mathematics, Physics/Physical Sciences, Chemistry/Biological Sciences Time
and English or Kiswahili;
b)  Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution
recognized by University Senate) with C+ (plus) in Mathematics and
Physics in KCSE;
c)  Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Diploma in Electrical and 3 Years a) KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 40,500.00 Main Campus
Telecommunication KNEC, and a minimum of C- (minus) in Mathematics, English/Kiswahili, Per semester Mbagathi/Full
Engineering Physics/Physical Sciences and Chemistry; OR Time
b) Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Technology by KNEC or
equivalent from an institution recognized by University Senate.


Diploma in Mechanical a) KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 40,500.00 Main Campus
Engineering KNEC, and a minimum of C- (minus) in Mathematics, English/Kiswahili, Per semester Mbagathi/Full
Physics/Physical Sciences and Chemistry; Time
b) Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Technology by KNEC or
Equivalent from an institution recognized by University Senate.



Master of Science in Information 2 Years a) Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology with Second Class 65,000.00 Main
Technology Honours Upper Division or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 Per semester Campus/Full
on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any institution recognized by the University Time
b) Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology with Second Class
Honours Lower Division or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of
2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any institution recognized by the
University, with three (3) years working experience in relevant field, or
evidence of research capability either through research, paper presentations
or peer reviewed publications;
c) Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Master of Science in Computer 2Years a) Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with Second Class Honours 65,000.00 Main
Science Upper Division or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a Per semester Campus/Full
scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any institution recognized by the University Time
b) Bachelor  of  Science  degree  in  Computer  Science  with  Second  Class
Honours, Lower Division  or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of
2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any institution recognized by the
University, with three (3) years working experience in relevant field, or
evidence of research capability either through research, paper presentations
or peer reviewed publications;
c) Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.




Bachelor of Science in 4 years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 77,616.00 Main Campus
Information Technology KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in English and Mathematics; per Mbagathi/Full
b) Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution Semester Time
recognized by University Senate;
c)  Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
4Years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 77,616.00 Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Computer KNEC, with and a minimum of C+ (plus) in Mathematics, Physics, Per semester Mbagathi /Full
Science Chemistry (or Physical Science) and English; Time
b) Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;
c) Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in Software 4Years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 82,467.00 Main Campus
Engineering KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in Mathematics, Physics, Per semester Mbagathi/Full
Chemistry/Physical Science and English; Time
b) Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;
c) Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in Computer 4Years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 77,616.00 Main Campus
Technology KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in English and Mathematics; OR Per semester Mbagathi /Full
b) Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution Time
recognized by University Senate;
c) Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Diploma in Information 2 ½ a) KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 40,500.00 Main Campus
Communication Technology years KNEC, with a minimum of C- (minus) in Mathematics, English and Per semester Mbagathi/Full
(ICT) Physics/ Physical Sciences; Time
a) A Certificate in ICT  (from KNEC) or its equivalent from an institution
approved by the University Senate
International Advanced Diploma 1 Year International Diploma in Computer Studies (IDCS) 45,250.00 Main Campus
in Computer Studies (IADCS) Per semester Mbagathi/Full
Time;  CBD
Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time


International Diploma in 1 Year a)   KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 35,000.00 Main Campus
Computer Studies (IDCS) KNEC, with a minimum of C (Plain) in English; Per semester Mbagathi/Full
b)   International Certificate in Computer Studies (ICCS) Time; CBD
Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time
International Computer Driving 120 None 34,000.00 Main Campus
License (ICDL) hours Mbagathi / Full
Time; CBD
Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time
CCNA Networking Academy 72 hours Computer Literate 10,000.00 Main Campus
Per module Mbagathi / Full
Time; CBD
Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time
Masters in Journalism and 2Years a) Bachelors degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division or a cumulative 65,000.00 Main Campus
Media Studies Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00  in relevant field Per Mbagathi / Full
from MMU or any institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time; CBD Campus
Uniafric Hse, Loita
Masters in Corporate b)  Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours Lower Division or a cumulative Street Full/Part time/
Communication Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 in relevant field from
MMU, or any institution recognized by the University, with three (3) years
working experience in relevant field, or evidence of research capability
either through research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications;
c)   Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Bachelor of Film and Animation 4 Years a)  KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 77,500.00 Main Campus
KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English/Kiswahili Per Mbagathi / Full Time
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;


c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Journalism 4 Years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 66,900.00 Main Campus
KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English/Kiswahili; Per Mbagathi / Full
semester Time; CBD Campus
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution Uniafric Hse, Loita
Street Full/Part time/
recognized by University Senate;
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Applied 4 Years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by KNEC, 66,900.00 Main Campus
Communication with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English and Kiswahili; Per Mbagathi / Full
semester Time; CBD Campus
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC) or any Institution Uniafric Hse, Loita
Street Full/Part time/
recognized by the University Senate;
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Diploma in Journalism 2 ½ a)   KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 39,000.00 Main Campus
years KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in either English or Kiswahili; Per Mbagathi / Full
semester Time; CBD Campus
b)   Certificate in Mass Communication or its equivalent from MMU or an Uniafric Hse, Loita
Street Full/Part time/
institution recognized by the University Senate.
Diploma in Strategic Public 2 ½ a)   KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 39,000.00 Main Campus
Relations years KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in either English or Kiswahili; Per Mbagathi / Full
semester Time; CBD Campus
b)   Certificate in Mass Communication or its equivalent from MMU or an Uniafric Hse, Loita
Street Full/ Part time/
institution recognized by the University Senate.
Diploma in Film Production & 2 ½ a)   KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 45,000.00 Main Campus
Animation years KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in either English or Kiswahili; Per Mbagathi / Full Time
b)   Certificate in Mass Communication or its equivalent from MMU or an semester
institution recognized by the University Senate.
Certificate in Mass 1 Year a)   KCSE with C- (minus) Mean grade  or its equivalent as determined by 39,000.00 Main Campus
Communication KNEC, with a minimum of C- (minus) in English or Kiswahili. Per Mbagathi / Full
semester Time; CBD Campus
Uniafric Hse, Loita
Street Full/Part time/




Master in Business 2Years a)  Bachelors degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division or a 65,000.00 Main Campus
Administration (MBA) cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 from Per Mbagathi / Full
MMU or any institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time; CBD
b) Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours Lower Division or a cumulative Uniafric Hse,
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any Loita Street
institution recognized by the University, with three (3) years working Full/Part time/
experience in relevant field, or evidence of research capability either through evening
research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications;
c)  Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Master of Science in Economics 2 Years a) Bachelors degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division or a cumulative 65,000.00 Main Campus
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU or any Per Mbagathi / Full
institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time; CBD
b) Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours Lower Division or a cumulative Uniafric Hse,
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any Loita Street
institution recognized by the University, with three (3) years working Full/Part time/
experience in relevant field, or evidence of research capability either through evening
research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications;
c)   Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Master of Science in Project 2 Years a)  Bachelors degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division or a 65,000.00 Main Campus
Management cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 from Per Mbagathi / Full
MMU or any institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time; CBD
b)  Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours Lower Division or a Uniafric Hse,
cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from Loita Street
MMU, or any institution recognized by the University, with three (3) years Full/Part time/
working experience in relevant field, or evidence of research capability evening
either through research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications;
d)   Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.


Master of Science in Supply 2 Years a) Bachelors degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division or a cumulative 65,000.00 Main Campus
Chain Management Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU or any Per Mbagathi / Full
institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time; CBD
b)  Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours Lower Division or a cumulative Uniafric Hse,
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any Loita Street
institution recognized by the University, with three (3) years working Full/Part time/
experience in relevant field, or evidence of research capability either evening
through research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications;
e)   Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Master of Science in 2 Years a) Bachelors degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division or a cumulative 65,000.00 Main Campus
Entrepreneurship and Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU or any Per Mbagathi / Full
Innovation institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time; CBD
b) Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours Lower Division or a cumulative Uniafric Hse,
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any Loita Street
institution recognized by the University, with three (3) years working Full/Part time/
experience in relevant field, or evidence of research capability either through evening
research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications;
d)   Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Bachelor of Commerce 4 years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 52,500 Main Campus
KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in English and Mathematics; Per semester Mbagathi / Full
Time; CBD
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution Campus
recognized by University Senate; Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as Full/Part time/
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Business Information 4Years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 56,000.00 Main Campus
Technology KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in English and Mathematics; Per semester Mbagathi / Full
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution Time; CBD
recognized by University Senate; Uniafric Hse,
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as Loita Street
Full/Part time/
equivalent to any of the above.


Bachelor of Science in Actuarial 4 years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 52,500.00 Main Campus
Science KNEC, with and a minimum of C+ (plus) in English and Mathematics; Per semester Mbagathi / Full
Time; CBD
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution Campus
recognized by University Senate; Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as Full/Part time/
equivalent to any of the above. evening
Bachelor of Procurement and 4 Years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 52,500.00 Main Campus
Logistics Management KNEC with a minimum of C (plain) in English and Mathematics; Per semester Mbagathi / Full
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution Time; CBD
recognized by University Senate; Uniafric Hse,
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as Loita Street
Full/Part time/
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in Economics 4 Years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 52,000.00 Main Campus
KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in English and Mathematics; Per Mbagathi / Full
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC or any Institution Semester Time; CBD
recognized by University Senate; Uniafric Hse,
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as Loita Street
Full/Part time/
equivalent to any of the above.
Diploma in Human Recourse a)  KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 40,500.00 Main Campus
Management (HRM) years KNEC, with a minimum of C- (minus) in Mathematics or Commerce or Per semester Mbagathi / Full
Economics or Accounts and C-(minus) in English or Kiswahili or a Time; CBD
bridging course grade C- in English or Kiswahili or Mathematics from an Campus
institution recognized by the University Senate. Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/
Diploma in Procurement and a)   KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 40,500.00 Main Campus
Logistics Management years KNEC, and a minimum of C- (minus) in Mathematics or Commerce or Per semester Mbagathi / Full
Economics or Accounts and C-(minus) in English or Kiswahili or a Time; CBD
bridging course grade C- in English or Kiswahili or Mathematics from an Campus
institution recognized by the University Senate. Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/


Diploma in Business a)   KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 40,500.00 Main Campus
Administration years KNEC and a minimum of C- (minus) in Mathematics or Commerce or Per semester Mbagathi / Full
Economics or Accounts and C-(minus) in English or Kiswahili or a Time; CBD
bridging course grade C- in English or Kiswahili or Mathematics from an Campus
Institution recognized by the University Senate. Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/
Professional Diploma in 5 CIPS Advanced Diploma 35,000.00 Main Campus
Procurement and Supply months per course Mbagathi / Full
(Level 6) Single unit Time; CBD
7,000.00 Campus
Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/
CIPS Advanced Diploma 5 Diploma in Procurement and Supply 32,500.00 Main Campus
(Level 5) months per course Mbagathi / Full
Single unit Time; CBD
Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/
Diploma in Procurement and 5 Advanced Certificate in Procurement/2 years working experience/ higher 30,000.00 Main Campus
Supply months relevant qualification including degrees from recognized universities per course Mbagathi / Full
(Level 4) Time; CBD
Single unit Campus
6,000.00 Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/
Advanced Certificate in 5 Certificate Procurement 25,000.00 Main Campus
Procurement months per course Mbagathi / Full
(Level 3) Single unit Time; CBD
5,000.00 Campus
Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/


Certificate in Procurement 5 a)   KCSE with D+ (plus) Mean Grade or its equivalent as determined by 25,000.00 Main Campus
(Level 2) months KNEC. per course Mbagathi / Full
Time; CBD
Single unit Campus
5,000.00 Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/
Accounting Technicians a)   KCSE with C- (minus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 12,000.00 Main Campus
Diploma-KASNEB KNEC or equivalent. Per Mbagathi / Full
Level 1 Semester Time; CBD
Level 2 4000.00 Campus
per unit Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time/
CPA PART 1 5 a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 11,000.00 Main Campus
Section 1 months KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English and Mathematics; Per Mbagathi / Full
Section 2 Semester Time; CBD
OR KASNEB Technician, 4000.00 Campus
OR Professional Examination Certificate, per unit Uniafric Hse,
OR a degree from an institution recognized by the University, Loita Street
OR Diploma, Full/Part time/
OR such other certificates as may be approved  by KASNEB evening
CPA PART 2 5 a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 13,000.00 Main Campus
Section 3 months KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English and Mathematics; Per Mbagathi / Full
Section 4 Semester Time; CBD
OR KASNEB Technician, 5000.00 Campus
OR Professional Examination Certificate, per unit Uniafric Hse,
OR a degree from an institution recognized by the University Senate, Loita Street
OR Diploma, Full/Part time/
OR such other certificates as may be approved  by KASNEB evening
CPA PART 3 5 a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 15,000.00 Main Campus
Section 5 months KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English and Mathematics; Per Mbagathi / Full
Section 6 OR KASNEB Technician, Semester Time; CBD
OR Professional Examination Certificate, 7000.00 Campus
OR a degree from an institution recognized by the University Senate, per unit Uniafric Hse,
OR Diploma Loita Street
OR such other certificates as may be approved  by KASNEB Full/Part time/


Certified Secretary PART 1 5 KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 11,000.00 Main Campus
Section 1 months KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English and Mathematics; Per Mbagathi / Full
Section 2 OR KASNEB Technician, Semester Time; CBD
OR Professional Examination Certificate, 4000.00 Campus
OR a degree from an institution recognized by the University Senate, per unit Uniafric Hse,
OR Diploma Loita Street
OR such other certificates as may be approved  by KASNEB Full/Part time/
Certified Secretary PART 2 5 KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 13,000.00 Main Campus
Section 3 months KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English and Mathematics; Per Mbagathi / Full
Section 4 OR KASNEB Technician, Semester Time; CBD
OR Professional Examination Certificate, 5000.00 Campus
OR a degree from an institution recognized by the University Senate, per unit Uniafric Hse,
OR Diploma Loita Street
OR such other certificates as may be approved  by KASNEB Full/Part time/
Certified Secretary PART 3 5 KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 15,000.00 Main Campus
Section 5 months KNEC, with a minimum of C+ (plus) in English and Mathematics; Per Mbagathi / Full
Section 6 OR KASNEB Technician, Semester Time; CBD
OR Professional Examination Certificate, 7000.00 Campus
OR a degree from an institution recognized by the University Senate, per unit Uniafric Hse,
OR Diploma Loita Street
OR such other certificates as may be approved  by KASNEB Full/Part time/
International Diploma in Human KCSE with C (plain) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by
Resource Management, KNEC, with a minimum of C (plain) in Mathematics and English.
NB: Mathematics can be substituted with Business Studies
– Either Distance Learning with no tuition
Distance Learning with tuition
– Recognised by IHRM
– MMU is accredited by IHRM and Cambridge



Master of Science in Analytical 2 Years a) Bachelors degree in Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry with Second Class 65,000.00 Main Campus
Chemistry Honours Upper Division or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of Per Mbagathi/Full
3.00 on a scale of 4.00  from MMU or any Institution recognized by the Semester Time
University Senate Senate;
b) Bachelor  degree in  Chemistry/Analytical  Chemistry  with  Second  Class
Honours Lower Division or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of
2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any institution recognized by the
University, with three (3) years working experience in relevant field, or
evidence of research capability either through research, paper presentations
or peer reviewed publications;
c)  Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Master of Science in Applied 2 Years a) Bachelors degree in Mathematics with Second Class Honours Upper Division 55,286.00 Main Campus
Mathematics or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00  from Per Mbagathi/Full
MMU or any Institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time
b) Bachelor degree in Mathematics with Second Class Honours Lower Division
or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from
MMU, or any Institution recognized by the University, with three (3) years
working  experience  in relevant  field,  or  evidence  of research capability
either through research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications;
c)   Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Master of Science in Pure 2 Years a) Bachelors degree in Mathematics with Second Class Honours Upper Division 55,286.00 Main Campus
Mathematics or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00  from Per Mbagathi/Full
MMU or any institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time
b) Bachelor  degree in  Mathematics  with  Second  Class  Honours  Lower
Division or a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of
4.00 from MMU, or any Institution recognized by the University, with three
(3)  years  working  experience  in  relevant  field,  or  evidence  of  research
capability either  through  research,  paper  presentations  or  peer  reviewed
c)  Relevant postgraduate from MMU or any institution recognized by the
University Senate.


Master of Science in Statistics 2 Years a) Bachelors degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division or a cumulative 55,286.00 Main Campus
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU or any Per Mbagathi/Full
institution recognized by the University Senate; Semester Time
b) Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours Lower Division or a cumulative
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 from MMU, or any
Institution recognized by the University, with three (3) years working
experience in relevant field, or evidence of research capability either
through research, paper presentations or peer reviewed publications;
d)   Relevant postgraduate diploma from MMU or any institution recognized by
the University Senate.
Bachelor of Science in Applied 4 years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 77,616 Main Campus
Physics and Computer Science KNEC, with and a minimum of C+ (plus) in Physics/ Physical Science, Per Mbagathi/Full
Mathematics and either Chemistry, Biology/ Biological Science or semester Time
b) Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC) or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;
c) Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial 4 years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 62,000.00 Main Campus
Chemistry KNEC, with and a minimum of C+ (plus) in Physics/ Physical Science, Per Mbagathi/Full
Mathematics and either Chemistry, Biology/ Biological Science or semester Time
b) Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC) or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;
c)  Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in Analytical 4 years a) KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 62,000.00 Main Campus
Chemistry KNEC, with and a minimum of C+ (plus) in Physics/ Physical Science, Per Mbagathi/Full
Mathematics and either Chemistry, Biology/ Biological Science or semester Time
b) Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC) or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;


c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in 4 years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 74,403.00 Main Campus
Mathematics and Computer KNEC, with and a minimum of C+ (plus) in Mathematics and Physics/ Per Mbagathi/Full
Science Physical Science, and either Chemistry, Biology/Biological Science or semester Time
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC) or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in Applied 4 years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 68,000.00 Main Campus
Optics and Lasers KNEC, with and a minimum of C+ (plus) in Physics/Physical Science, Per Mbagathi/Full
Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology /Biological Science or any Group semester Time
III,IV or V  KUCCPS Cluster subjects;
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC) or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bachelor of Science in 4years a)   KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade or its equivalent as determined by 68,000.00 Main Campus
Renewable Energy and KNEC, with and a minimum of C+ (plus) in Physics/Physical Science, Per semester Mbagathi/Full
Technology Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology /Biological Science or any Group III, Time;
IV or V KUCCPS Cluster subjects;
b)   Higher National Diploma/Diploma (from KNEC) or any Institution
recognized by University Senate;
c)   Any other qualification(s) recognized by the University Senate as
equivalent to any of the above.
Bridging courses: 12 Aggregate C+ in KCSE or its equivalent as determined by KNEC, with an 29,000.00 Main Campus
Mathematics weeks equivalent qualification for those who wish to join University degree courses per course Mbagathi / Full
thereafter. In addition, the candidate should have a minimum grade of D+ in the Time; and
Physics subject he/she is applying to bridge. CBD Campus
Chemistry Uniafric Hse,
Loita Street
Full/Part time



Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and 4 years KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade; Or  KCSE with C (plain) and a 60, 200.00 Main Campus
Technology KNEC Diploma or its equivalent from a recognized Institution; Or KCSE per Mbagathi / Full
with C- (minus) plus a Certificate and a KNEC Diploma or its equivalent Semester Time;  and CBD
from a recognized institution; Campus
Uniafric Hse,
Any other qualifications equivalent to the above from any institution Loita Street
recognized by the University Senate. Full/Part time
evening and
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology 4years KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade; Or  KCSE with C (plain) and a 60, 200.00 Main Campus
and Technology KNEC Diploma or its equivalent from a recognized Institution; Or KCSE per Mbagathi / Full
with C- (minus) plus a Certificate and a KNEC Diploma or its equivalent Semester Time;  and CBD
from a recognized institution; Campus
Uniafric Hse,
Any other qualifications equivalent to the above from any institution Loita Street
recognized by the University Senate. Full/Part time
Bachelor of Arts in Political 4years KCSE with C+ (plus) Mean grade; Or  KCSE with C (plain) and a 60, 200.00 Main Campus
Science and Technology KNEC Diploma or its equivalent from a recognized Institution; Or KCSE per Mbagathi / Full
with C- (minus) plus a Certificate and a KNEC Diploma or its equivalent Semester Time; and CBD
from a recognized institution; Campus
Uniafric Hse,
Any other qualifications equivalent to the above from any institution Loita Street
recognized by the University Senate. Full/Part time



Centre For Further Education

24,300.00 per course Main Campus
PABX Operations/ Receptionist 4 weeks KCSE D+ (plus) Mean Grade and a minimum of D+ (plus) in On Mbagathi/Full
English Demand Time
Telephone Operations Supervision 4 weeks Certificate in PABX Operations/Receptionist or equivalent 33,350.00 per course Main Campus
On Mbagathi/Full
Demand Time
Telephone Operations 4 weeks Certificate in Telephone Operations Supervision or equivalent 33,500 per course Main Campus
Administration On Mbagathi/Full
Demand Time
Panasonic PABX Configuration and 2 weeks Diploma or Certificate  in Telecommunications or Electronics On 40,800.00 per course Main Campus
Maintenance Engineering ( from KNEC, City & Guilds or equivalent) Demand Mbagathi/Full
Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) 2 weeks Diploma or Certificate  in Telecommunications or Electronics On 40,800.00 per course Main Campus
Planning, Splicing and Installation Engineering ( from KNEC, City & Guilds or equivalent Demand Mbagathi/Full
Structured Cabling 2 weeks Diploma or Certificate  in Telecommunications or Electronics On 40,500.00 per course Main Campus
Engineering ( from KNEC, City & Guilds or equivalent Demand Mbagathi/Full
Underground Cable Installation and 3 weeks Diploma or Certificate  in Telecommunications or Electronics On 50,500.00 per course Main Campus
Testing Engineering ( from KNEC, City & Guilds or equivalent Demand Mbagathi/Full
Digital Microwave Radio Planning 4 weeks Technical personnel involved in Planning and Maintenance of On 47,500.00 per course Main Campus
Radio Communication links including Wimax and WiFi links Demand Mbagathi/Full
Satellite and VSAT Technology 2 weeks Technical Personnel involved in Planning, Operation and On 40,500.00 per course Main Campus
Workshop Maintenance of VSAT Networks. Demand Mbagathi/Full
GSM and 3G Networks 2 weeks Certificate or Diploma in Telecommunications or Electronics On 45,500.00 per course Main Campus
Engineering (KNEC, City & Guilds or equivalent) OR Technical demand Mbagathi/Full
Personnel who aspire to work in the Mobile Telecomm industry Time
A+ Certification 120 hours Computer Literate Every 15,500.00 per course Main Campus
Monday Mbagathi/Full


N+ Certification 120 hours Computer Literate Every 15,000.00 per course Main Campus
Monday Mbagathi/Full
Building eSecure Websites 3 months Computer Literate Every 24,000.00 per course Main Campus
Monday Mbagathi/Full
Executive Development 5 days Middle Level Executives On 40,000.00 per course Main Campus
Demand Mbagathi/Full
Supervisory Skills Development 5 days Supervisors and Senior Supervisors 30,000.00 per course Main Campus
On Mbagathi/Full
Demand Time
Accounts and Finance For Non- 5 days Non-Professional Accounts Managers On 40,000.00 per course Main Campus
Finance Managers Demand Mbagathi/Full
Public Relations and Customer Care 5 days Front Office Personnel 30,000.00 per course Main Campus
On Mbagathi/Full
Demand Time
Purchasing and Stores Management 5 days Middle Managers in Purchasing and Stores On 35,000.00 per course Main Campus
Demand Mbagathi/Full
Productivity and Performance 5 days Managers in-charge of results in public/private sector On 35,000.00 per course Main Campus
Management Demand Mbagathi/Full
Training of Trainers (TOT) 5 days Human Resource Managers and non-professional trainers 40,000.00 per course Main Campus
On Mbagathi/Full
Demand Time
Project Management 5 days Managers in-charge of projects 40,000.00 per course Main Campus
On Mbagathi/Full
Demand Time



Applications should be made on prescribed forms obtainable from the MMU website ( or the office of Corporate Affairs at MMU Main Campus OR the Director’s Office at MMU Nairobi CBD Campus located at Uniafric House, Fourth Floor, Loita Street, upon payment of a non-refundable application fee shown: CERTIFICATE – K.shs 500.00; DIPLOMA -K.shs 500.00; BACHELORS – K.shs. 1000.00; MASTERS K.shs. 1500.00



For undergraduate courses, the duly completed application forms, 2 passport size photographs, 2 copies of KCSE Certificates/Result slips and 2 copies of receipts should be returned to Admissions Office for processing.

For postgraduate courses, 3 duly completed forms, 3 passport size photographs, 3 copies of KCSE certificates and transcripts, 3 copies of receipts should be returned to the Office of the Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies at MMU Mbagathi Campus OR Office of the Director, MMU CBD Campus at Uniafric House – Loita Street 4th Floor, NOT LATER THAN FRIDAY 9TH FEBRUARY, 2018.


Payments can either be in Cash or through the MMU Bank Accounts (See bank details below). Original payment receipt should be given by the Cashier at MMU Finance upon payment of the application fee or upon presenting the bank pay in slip.



Kenya Commercial Bank, Account Number 110-451-3447



Equity Bank, Account 0610262187946,

Account name: Multimedia University of Kenya,

Branch:  Ongata Rongai.


For more information, contact:

The Registrar, Academic Affairs


Mbagathi Campus, NAIROBI

Tel: 020 2071391, Fax: 020 2071247, Cell: 0728 136 219/0732-414 723




Director, Post Graduate Studies, MMU Tel: 020-2071391/2/3 Ext 2535, Cell: 0724257083/0735900008


Director, CBD Tel: 0700753176/0734333901



Dean/Chairperson of the respective Faculty/Department