All posts tagged "How To Calculate Cluster Points"
admin | December 14, 2019
Kuccps Revision of Courses 2020/2021 and Cluster Points
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service Kuccps has announced First Revision of Degree and Diploma Choices...
admin | July 18, 2019
Courses offered by Kenyatta University and Cluster Points
The list of courses offered at Kenyatta university 2019 and cluster cut off points. Download Fees Structure Pdf...
admin | February 6, 2019
Kuccps Cluster Points 2019/2020 Admissions
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (Kuccps) will start the selection of students who will join...
admin | December 27, 2017
University of Nairobi UON Cluster points
The university of Nairobi Uon has listed courses offered and the cluster points. The cut of points by...