
Form One Selection 2017/2018 – Download Admission Letter

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Form one selection 2017/2018 for secondary school admission is out. Selected candidates will get admission letters for form one in National, Extra County, and County Schools by January 2018. Candidates are advised to Download their admission letters online through the Ministry of Education website. Find selection criteria, marks, grading and the school your candidate has been admitted to.

Download Admission Letter here>>

Criteria used by the Ministry of Education for Kcpe 2017/2018 Form one selection;

  • Admission letters are posted on the Education ministry website
  • Parents can check the schools their children have been selected to join by sending an SMS to 20042.
  • You are required to SMS with the candidate’s Index Number to 20042 from any network.
  • To check for admission letters online, log on to, select the county and sub-countythe candidate sat KCPE then key in your index number and submit.

Form One School Selection System for National Schools click here>>

Form One School Selection System for Extra County Schools click here>>

Form One School Selection System for County Schools click here>>

To complete the process, click on the admission letter at the bottom of the page.

The Form One Intake entails the admission into either National, extra-County, County or District Day Schools depending on the candidate’s performance and school choices captured during the year the candidate sat for KCPE.

Ministry of Education website: Download your Admission letter Here>>

National Schools selection is based on candidature and affirmative action thus enabling the each district to get a candidate selected to a National School.
The National School Quota is used to select candidates per Gender and Merit List per District.
Cut-Off to each National School is automatically determined based on the last Candidate to be Selected to a given National Schools from a Given District in a County.
County Schools are Selected on a 40% (National): 40% (to Districts within County and Inclusive Home District of the School): 20% (for Home/Host District of the School).

Top 100 Schools in Kcse 2017 Examination >>>

Top 100 Candidates Kcse 2017  Nationally >>>

2017 Kcse Results for the whole School >>>

Result Slip Download Kcse 2017 >>>

Kcpe result slip download 2017/2018>>

Top Performing Students Kcpe 2017 Admission Letters

Goldalyn Kakuya scored 455 marks, admission – Kenya High School

Sharon Nkatha Murega scored 447 marks, admission – Alliance Girls High School

Gathoni Macharia scored 447 marks, admission – Alliance Girls High School

Lawrence Karani 445 marks, admission – Alliance Boys High School

Form One 2017 Selection Process

The Computerised selection follows the following steps:
1) Selection of Top 1 and 2, for both Gender (boys and girls) to their national school choices if an allocation has been provided for their District. In absence, the computer assign such performing candidates schools of equivalent stature to their choices;
2) Selection of Other National Schools Quota based on Candidates ratio from Public and Private;
3) System gives advantage to Counties inclusive of hostCounty in filling vacancies which may arrise during the selection (such as in ability of certail Districts to produce candidates with more or equal to 280 marks);
4) Selection of Extra-County Schools which have same features as National Schools with variance being the number of candidates to be picked being more within the host Counties of the schools;
5) County Schools purely selects students within  a County, all boarding schools fall under this category;
6) District Selection: still done manually due to challenges of mapping primary schools or communities to promixity of secondary day schools.

Form one Admission letter via sms

To download your admission letter for secondary school where you have been placed, send an SMS with your Index Number to 20042 from any network.

How to Download Form One Admission Letter Online

  1. Select the county and sub-county you sat KCPE then key in your index number and Submit.
  2. Click on the link named “admission letter” at the bottom of the page for a copy of your admission letter.
  3. Use the printer icon to print or download icon to download to your computer.
  4. Get your primary school’s headteacher to endorse the letter and stamp it in the space provided.
  5. Finally, present it for admission together with a certified copy of birth certificate.