Form One Admission Letters 2018
Schools have created more than one million Form One places in readiness for a massive admission in January 2018. Kcpe candidates 2017 will from today know the high schools they will be admitted next year 2018. Every student will know by December 12 which school he or she will be admited.
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Admission is transparent and based purely on merit.
The selection will involve head teachers from public and private primary schools, a milestone in the sector headed by Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i
The admission comes as the government is preparing to roll out the Free Secondary Education programme in January.
The slots in both public and private secondary schools will be more than enough for the 993,000 candidates who sat the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education this year and have been specifically created to support the free day secondary school programme which will begin in January.
Previously, all schools have been enrolling between 500,000 and 600,000 students leaving out about 250,000.
The admission is done using a computer programme based on a candidate’s choices.
Principals are provided with lists of the candidates they will admit to their schools
Of the candidates to be admited, 498,775 are boys and 494,943 girls. All candidates who scored 400 marks and above will be admitted to national schools, irrespective of whether they were in private or public schools.
Some 9,848 candidates scored more than 400 marks, while 217,307 candidates scored between 301 and 400 marks.
Public and private schools in the country have reported a total of 1,054,000 places in Form One. This shows there is a surplus for all KCPE exam candidates 2017.
Form One admission List
The government mid this year gave more than 2,000 day schools about Sh6 billion to expand their facilities to prepare for the admission list.
Elite national schools, which will receive their enrolment lists today at the Kenya Institute Of Curriculum Development (KICD) Nairobi are Alliance Boys, Alliance Girls, Mang’u High, Maseno, Starehe Boys, Starehe Girls, Nairobi School, Lenana School, Kenya High School, Moi Forces Lanet, Moi Forces Academy, Utumishi Academy, Moi Girls Eldoret, Nakuru Boys, Nakuru Girls, Maryhill Girls, Loreto Limuru and Limuru Girls.