Kabarak University is a private christian university which is distinctive in academic excellence and spiritual vitality. Find here the courses offered and the minimum entry requirements of Kabarak University.
Kabarak University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
1.) Bachelor of Science,Nursing
A mean grade of at least C+ (C plus) in K.C.S.E. with a minimum of C+ in the following subjects:
Chemistry or physical science,Biology or Biological Science,English or Kiswahili,Physics or Mathematics
Tuition Fees per Semester is Kshs. 80,000
2.)Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics(in-service)
K.C.S.E Mean Grade C+ (plus) with a diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and registered with K.N.D.I. Tuition Fees per semester is KSHS. 70,000
3.)Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine and Community Health
- A mean grade of C+ (C plus) in K.C.S.E with a minimum in the following subjects: Chemistry or Physical science, Physics or Mathematics, Biology or Biological Sciences, English or Kiswahili
- OR At least 2 principle pass in Biology, Chemistry and a subsidiary pass in either Mathematics or Physical sciences at the advance level or its equivalent as determined by the University Senate.
- OR Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery from a recognized institution approved by the University Senate. Holders of Clinical Medicine and Surgery will be eligible for credit transfer for up to 30% as will be approved by the Senate in the first and second year courses only.
- OR Degree in Medical Sciences: A minimum O level division II or C+ Mean grade and a credit pass C+ in the cluster subjects in K.C.S.E in addition to a credit pass in the subsequent professional qualifications from a recognized medical training institution.
*Tuition Fees per Semester is Kshs. 80,000
4.)Bachelor of Sciences in Environmental Health
- Mean grade of C+
- C+ in Chemistry,C+ in Biology,C+ in English OR Kiswahili, C+ in Mathematics OR Physics
5.) Diploma in Environmental Health
- Mean grade of C(plain) in K.C.S.E
- C in Biology,C in English OR Kiswahili, C- in Chemistry,C- in Home Science OR Agriculture,C- in Building Construction OR Technical Construction,C- in Mathematics OR Physics
- OR Certificate in Environmental Health / Community Health
6.) Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics(in-service)
Certificate in Community Nutrition from a recognized institution by the university and K.N.D.I. Tuition Fees per Semester is KSHS. 50,000.
7.)Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
8.)Master of Medicine in Family Medicine
- Be holder of the M.B.Ch.B. degree or equivalent from institutions recognized by Kabarak University Senate and Commission for University Education (CUE), registered or register-able as a medical practitioner by the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board of Kenya (MPDB)
- Have completed a minimum 2 years of service post-internship if working with the county government and considering applying for county study leave.*
- Pass admission requirements and interviews as determined by the Department of Family Medicine and Community Care
*Tuition fees is Kshs. 90,000 per semester.
1.)Bachelor of Laws(LL.B)
K.C.S.E Mean Grade C+(plus) with B (plain) in English or a recognized degree with K.C.S.E B (plain) in English.
Tuition Fees Per Semester is Kshs. 100,000
Kabarak School of Business and Economics
Bachelor programs
Bachelor of;
- Science in Hospitality Management
- Commerce
- Business Information Technology(BIT)
- Procurement and Logistics Management(BPLM)
- Science in Economics and Statistics
- Science in Economics and Finance
- Business Management and Information Technology(BMIT)
- Science in Economics and Mathematics
- Science in Agribusiness Management
Minimum Admission Requirements
Tuition Fees per Semester is Kshs. 65.000 at Main Campus and Kshs.55,000 at Nakuru Campus.
- KCSE C+ with a C (plain) in Mathematics and English or
- Diploma in relevant field from a recognized institution, with credit pass or
- Two Principal passes at “A” level
Diploma Programs
Diploma in;
- Public Relations Management
- Hospitality Management(DHM)
- Banking and Finance
- Project Management
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Procurement and Logistics(DPL)
- Business Management(DBM)
- Business Information Technology(DBIT)
- Tourism Management(DTM)
- Human Resource Management(DHRM)
- Sales and Marketing(DSM)
- Business Administration
Minimum Entry Requirements and Fees
K.C.S.E Mean Grade C-(minus). Fees per Semester is Kshs. 30,000
- Doctor of philosophy in Business Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy in Finance
- Master of Science in Finance
- M.Sc. in Human Resource Management
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Organizational Development
*PhD Tuition Fees per Semester is Ksh. 150,000
*Masters Tuition Fees Per Semester is Ksh. 65,000
SPU St.Paul’s University Courses and Requirements
Upcoming Programs
- Master of Science in Forensic Accounting
- Master of Science in Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in Project Management
- Bachelor of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy
- Diploma in Cooperative Management
Kabarak School of Music and Performing Arts
- Doctor of Philosophy in Music
- Master of Music Composition
- Master of Music Education
- Bachelor of Music in Church Music
- Master of Church Music
- Master of Musicology
- Bachelor of Music Production Technology
- Bachelor of Music Theory,Composition and Performance
- B.A in Church Music and Theology
- Diploma in Music
- Diploma in Theatre Studies
- Certificate in Music
- Short Courses in Music Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Theory and Practicals Grade I— VIII
School of Science,Engineering and Technology
1.)Biological and Physical Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Botany
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- B.Sc. in Environmental Science with Business Management
- B.Sc. in Environmental Science with Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
- PhD in Environmental Science(Engineering or Technology or Management option)
- Master of Science in Public Health
- Master of Science in Development Studies
- M.Sc. in Environmental Science(Engineering or Technology or Management option)
- M.Sc. in Environmental Science and Management
2.)Mathematics and Actuarial Science Department
- Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science(kshs. 70,000)
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics
3.)Computer Science and Information Technology
PhD in IT Security and Audit (Tuition Fees per semester Kshs. 150,000)
PhD in IT (Offered through Course work and Thesis)Kshs. 150,000
M.Sc. in Information Technology Security and Audit(Kshs. 80,000)
Master of Science in Information Technology(Kshs. 65,000)
- Master of Science in Physics(Kshs. 65,000)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Security and Forensic(ksh. 80,000)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science(kshs. 70,000)
- B.Sc. in Telecommunications(kshs. 70,000)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(kshs. 70,000)
Bachelor of Science ( Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, or
Zoology )(kshs.65,000)
- Diploma in Computer Science(kshs. 30,000)
- Diploma in Information Technology(kshs.30,000)
- Certificate in Information Technology(kshs.25,000)
Kabarak School of Pharmacy
Minimum Entry Requirements
Applicants must have satisfied the University’s general admission criteria of a mean grade B-(minus) in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) with C+ and above in the following cluster subjects:
Alternative A: Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics/Physics, English/Kiswahili
Alternative B: Biological sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, English/Kiswahili
A Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology and KCSE mean grade of C+ (plus) and enrolled with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB).
Other Diploma holders in health related programmes such as Laboratory Technology, Clinical Medicine, Radiology, Basic and/or Advanced Nursing, Public Health/Environment Health, Dental Sciences and should have graduated with at least (credit pass) from training institutions recognized by the Commission for University Education (CUE).
*Tuition Fees per Semester is Kshs. 117,500.
ANU Africa Nazarene University Courses Offered
School of Education
Department of Education
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education Management and Leadership
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education(Guidance and Counseling)
- Master of Education in Leadership and Management of Education
- Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling
- M.Ed. in Curriculum Studies
- Bachelor of Education(Science)
- Bachelor of Education(Arts)
- Diploma in Education(Early Childhood Development Education)
- Diploma in Education(Arts)
- Certificate in Education(Early Childhood Development Education)
Upcoming Programs
- Bachelor of Psychological Science
- B.Sc. in Library and Knowledge Management
- Bachelor of Counseling Psychology
- Master of Counseling Psychology
- Master of Psychology in Forensic Psychology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Forensic Psychology
- Master of Science in Forensic Psychology
- Master of Science in Sports Psychology
- Doctor of Philosophy in General Psychology
- Master of Education in Educational Psychology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology
Department of Mass Communication
- Bachelor of Mass Communication(Media option)
- Bachelor of Mass Communication(PR Option)
- Diploma in Mass Communication(Media option)
- Diploma in Mass Communication(PR Option)
Upcoming Programs
- Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication (Media Option)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication (PR Option)
- Diploma in Electronic Media
- Certificate in Journalism and Mass Communication
Department of Theology
- Bachelor of Theology
- Bachelor of Arts in Church Music and Theology(Theology Major)
- Diploma in Theology
Upcoming Programs
- Bachelor of Arts in Chaplaincy
- Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Counseling
- Master of Arts in Chaplaincy
- Master of Arts in Theology
- M.A. in Biblical Leadership and Management
SEKU South Eastern Kenya University Courses
Application Procedure
1.)Download the application forms online at www.kabarak.ac.ke
2.)Duly completed forms should be returned to any of the below offices with non-refundable fee as follows:
- Undergraduate – Kshs.1,000
- Postgraduate – Kshs.1,500
3.)Official Kabarak University Bank Accounts / Accepted Payment Means:
- Standard Chartered Bank – 01040-943637-01 Nakuru;
- Trans National Bank – 0040503005 Nakuru;
- Kenya Commercial Bank – 1109663161 Nakuru;
- Equity Bank – 0310294445167 Nakuru Kenyatta Avenue.
- New students – M-PESA PAYBILL /Business number 511480- Enter your National ID Number as account number.
- Continuing students only – MPESA PayBill /Business number 983100 – Enter your Registration Number as Account number. e.g CM/M/1234/01/17 NB. Confirm that all details are correct.
Nakuru Town Campus
The Director Kabarak
University Nakuru Town Campus
Private Bag-20157, KABARAK
Phone: +254 020-2240634
Phone: +254 0720 511838
Email: nakurutowncampus @ kabarak.ac.ke
directornakuru @ kabarak.ac.ke
Admission Office
Kabarak University Main Campus
P.O.Private Bag 20157 Kabarak
Phone: 020-2114658,0729-223370, 051-2343234/5
Email: registrar @ kabarak.ac.ke,
academic_registrar @ kabarak.ac.ke
admissions @ kabarak.ac.ke