All posts tagged "Kuccps Revision Of Courses 2018"
admin | December 14, 2019
Kuccps Revision of Courses 2020/2021 and Cluster Points
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service Kuccps has announced First Revision of Degree and Diploma Choices...
admin | March 2, 2018
Kuccps Second Revision of Courses 2018/2019
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (Kuccps) has announced Second Revision of Courses 2018/2019. The second Online Degree, Diploma...
admin | January 30, 2018
Kuccps Revision of Courses and choices 2018/2019
The first revision of Degree, Diploma and Certificate choices for the 2017 KCSE candidates began on January 24,...