Egerton University September Application Form and Courses Offered
Egerton University seeks to admit students to its various academic programmes at Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors and Postgraduate levels. Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the following Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses due to start in September 2017. Download Application Forms online.
Each course will have its own entry requirements, often specifying both the subjects you must already have studied, as well as the grades you will need to have achieved.
Certificate Courses
- Bridging in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (SSP only).
- Certificate in Chemistry, Science and Laboratory Technology (Main campus only) SSP only.
- Certificate in Information Technology (SSP only) showground.
- Bridging in Kiswahili and English subjects (SSP only) Main campus.
- Certificate in Modern Library, Archives and records Management (SSP only) Main campus.
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Environmental Science
- Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment
Department of Geography
- Certificate in Geographical Information Systems
- Certificate in Accounts (CPS, KATC & Secretarial) SSP only ( Main, Showground, Bukura and Kilifi campuses).
- Eco Tourism and Hospitality (KIA) SSP only (Bukura campuses).
Diploma Courses
Admission Procedures
Enquiries for all diploma programmes should be made
to the Registrar (Academic Affairs) Egerton
University, P. O. Box 536-20115, EGERTON, Kenya.
The closing date for receiving applications for the diploma programmes shall be as determined by the Senate from time to time.
Minimum Entry Requirements for Diploma Programmes
The entry requirements set out below are only minimum, and they do not in any way, entitle an applicant to a place in the University. Applicants must:
- Have the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with an average grade C passed at one sitting from at least seven subjects drawn from subject groupings as specified by the Kenya National Examinations Council or equivalent.
- Provided that candidates with disabilities will be given special consideration with regard to the number of subjects taken at KCSE.
- Hold a certificate from a recognized institution with a Credit pass or higher or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution in the relevant field of specialization, acceptable to Senate.
- Meet additional or specific entry requirements as may be specified by the respective Department, Faculty, School or Institute offering the Diploma programme.
- Diploma in Agricultural Education And Extension
- Diploma in Animal Health
- Diploma in Dairy Technology
- Diploma in Farm and Resource Management
- Diploma in Horticulture
- Diploma in Animal Science and Technology
- Diploma in Computer Science (SSP only) Town campus
- Diploma in modern Chemistry Laboratory Technology
- Diploma in Business Studies SSP only (Chuka campus).
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery.
- Diploma in Nursing (conversion programme)
- Diploma in Eco-tourism and Hospitality Management
Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Admission Procedure
Enquiries for all Bachelor’s Degree programmes offered should be made to the
Registrar(Academic Affairs),
Egerton University, P. O. Box 536-20115,
The closing date for receiving applications for the Bachelor’s degree programmes shall be as determined by the Senate from time to time.
Mininum Entry Requirements for Bachelor‘s Degree
The entry requirements set out below are only minimum, and they in no way entitle an applicant to a place in the University.
Applicants must:
Have the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with an average grade C+ (C plus)\passed at one sitting from at least seven subjects drawn from subject groupings as specified by the Kenya National Examinations Council or its equivalent.
Have one of the following combinations of passes in the Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education examination:
i) Two (2) Principal passes obtained at the
same sitting.
ii) Two (2) Principal passes obtained at different sittings provided the passes are of Grade C or higher.
Hold a Diploma of Egerton University with a ‘Credit’ pass or higher or an equivalent
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension (Government, SSP & SSP School based).
- Bachelor of Education (Arts) (Government, SSP & SSP School based)
- Bachelor of Education (Science) – (Government, SSP & SSP School based)
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension (Government, SSP & SSP School based).
- Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (Government, SSP & SSP School based).
- Bachelor of Science in clothing, Textiles and Interior Design (Government, SSP & SSP School based).
- Bachelor of Education Primary option SSP School based Main and Chuka Campuses.
- Bachelor of Science in community Development SSP only, main and chukka campuses
- B.Sc. in Animal Science
- B.Sc. in Agriculture
- B.Sc. in Dairy Science and Technology
- B.Sc. in Food Science and Technology
- B.Sc. in Horticulture
- B.Sc. in Agriculture Economics
- B.Sc. in Agribusiness Management
- B.Sc. in Animal Health Management
- Bachelor of Science (General).
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science and Technology.
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
- Bachelor of Science in Aquatic Science.
- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (SSP only) – Main campus.
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts (History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Communications and Media)
- Bachelor of Arts (Economics and History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Socioloy)
- Bachelor of Arts (Sociology and Religion)
- Bachelor of Science (Economics and Statistics)
- Bachelor of Science (Library and Information Sciences)
- Bachelor of Arts (Criminology)
- B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering
- B.Sc. Water and Environmental Engineering
- B.Sc. Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- B.Sc. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
- BSc in Eco-tourism and Hospitality Management
- BSc in Natural Resources Management
- BSc in Wildlife Enterprise and Management
- BSc in Environmental Science
- BSc in Geography
- BSc in Integrated Forest Resources Management
- Bachelor of Business Management.
- Bachelor of Commerce SSP only, Town campus.
- Bachelor of Business Administration SSP only, Town campus.
- Bachelor of Science Rehabilitation Medicine SSP only.
- Bachelor of Foods Nutrition & Dietetics
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB)
Masters Programmes
Application And Admission Procedures
Application forms may be obtained from the Director, Board of Postgraduate studies upon payment of a prescribed Non-refundable fee and returned duly completed.
All applicants for registration shall be processed in the first instance through the relevant Department in which registration is sought. The Department shall then forward all such applications with appropriate comments to the Faculty board concerned for approval and onward transmission to the Board of Postgraduate
Applicants shall be admitted to only one Degree programme at a time.
Admission shall be confirmed by letter from the Direct, Board of Postgraduate Studies
Admission shall be offered to holders of a Bachelor’s Degree with an Upper Second Class Honours or above or equivalent qualification from recognized
In exceptional cases, the Senate may also admit to the Master’s programme a non-holder of Upper Second Class Honours provided that such candidate can, on the basis of the research and other scholarly work done, demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Senate qualification to undertake postgraduate studies.
Subject to approval by the Senate, Departments may formulate regulations requiring applicants to have attained other academic qualifications as may be
consistent with the goals of their Master’s programmes or to appear for interview to determine their suitability for admission.
In exceptional cases, holder of lower second class honour may be admitted if they have two years of relevant experience. qualification from a recognized institution in the relevant field of specialization acceptable to Senate. Those with a ‘Pass’ Diploma will be considered if they have at least two years relevant experience after graduation meet additional entry requirements as may be specified by the respective Department, Faculty, School or Institute.
Faculty of Science
M.Sc Biochemistry (Research Option)
M.Sc Biochemistry Science and Technology (Research Option)
M.Sc in Mycology
M.Sc in Plant Pathology
M.Sc in Limnology
M.Sc in Animal physiology
M.Sc in integrated Pest and Vector management
M.Sc in Chemistry
M.Sc in Physics
M.Sc in Biostatistics & Buimetrics
M.Sc in pure Mathematics
M.Sc in Applied Mathematics
M.Sc in Statistics
MSc. in Medical Parasitology
Faculty of Agriculture
M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics
M.Sc. in Animal Breeding And Genetics
M.Sc. in Soil Science
M.Sc. in Animal Production (with Breeding and Nutrition options)
M.Sc. in Agronomy (with Protection, Breeding and Production Options)
M.Sc. in Food Science
M.Sc. in Horticulture (with Floriculture, Olericulture and Pomology options) In Livestock Production
M.Sc in Plant Biotechnology
M.Sc in Animal Nutrition
Faculty of Engineering in Agricultural Engineering.
Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering.
Master of Science in Soil and Water Engineering (SWEN)
Master of Science in Water Resources and Environmental Management
Faculty of Arts And Social Sciences
M.A.English Language and Linguistics.
M.A. Kiswahili.
M.A. Religion.
Faculty of Education And Community Studies
M.Sc. in Community Studies & Extension.
M.Sc. in Science Education
M.Sc. in Curriculum & Instruction Educational Management
M. sc. Agriculture Education; Agriculture Extension
Faculty of Environment And Resource Development
M.Sc in (Geography)
M.Sc in Natural Resources Management
MSc in Environmental Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
M.Sc. in Foods Nutrition & Dietetics.
M.Sc. in Health Services Management
M.Sc. in of Public Health
College Of Open And Distance Learning
M.Sc in Curriculum and Instruction
M.Sc in Education Management
M.Sc in Education Foundations
M.Sc in Guidance and Counseling
M.Sc in Languages
M.Sc in Guidance & Counseling
M.Sc in Community Studies and Extension
M.A. in linguistic MA (Ling)
M.A. in Community Economic Development (CED)
M.A. in Social Work MA (SW) (Evening Programme)