Maseno University Graduation List 2017
Maseno university welcomes you for graduation ceremony for 2016/2017 academic year. Candidates whose names are omitted from the graduation list should visit their respective schools to establish their status not later than Friday, 17th November, 2017.
Maseno University Provisional Graduation List 2016/2017 Academic Year
- Postgraduate List Consolidated
- School of Agriculture & Food Security
- School of Arts & Social Sciences – Undergraduate & Diploma
- School of Business & Economics -Undergraduate
- School of Computing & Informatics Undergraduate
- School of Development & Strategic Studies
- School of Education – Undergraduate
- School of Environment & Earth Sciences -Undergraduate
- School of Mathematics – Undergraduate
- School of Physical & Biological Sciences – Undergraduate
- School of Planning – Undergraduate
- School of Public Health- Undergraduate
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